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How To Get Pee Smell Out Of Carpet

8 Best Ways On How To Get Pee Smell Out Of Carpet?

Some pet owners are facing the pee smell issue in their carpet and searching for how to get pee smell out of carpet so that their carpet smells fresh and looks new.

As you already know pets give you unconditional love and it will help to keep your mind fresh. But when the urine smell is coming from your carpet it feels very frustrating so cleaning your carpet is also very essential.

On the other hand, It is not good to leave your dog’s urine on your carpet because it can cause several health issues.

In this article, I will discuss with you 8 of the best methods on how to get pee smell out of carpet very effectively.

Let’s start it.

How To Get Pee Smell Out Of Carpet

  1. Using White Vinegar
  2. Use Any Detergent To Clean Your Carpet
  3. Hydrogen Peroxide
  4. Baking Soda
  5. Dish Washer Cleaner
  6. Dry Clean Method
  7. Use Any Freshener
  8. Use Cleanser

Using White Vinegar 

There are lots of types of vinegar available on the market and these vinegar are used for different kinds of purposes. White vinegar is a type of vinegar that very effectively cleans your carpet and this is my favourite method which I personally used it.

Vinegar contains lots of cleaning agents which help to clean your carpet very effectively. Follow the below steps to get rid of the pee smell from your carpet.

  1. First of all, take 1-2 cups of white vinegar.
  2. Now take a little amount of warm water. Always remember that warm water is very effective as compared to cold or normal water.
  3. Now make a mixture of white vinegar and warm water.
  4. Now apply that mixture to the urine part of your carpet.
  5. Now use a small size brush or any sponge and start to scrub that area gently.
  6. After scrubbing leave it for 5 to 10 minutes.
  7. Now wash your carpet using normal water.

Use Any Detergent To Clean Your Carpet 

The second method is, using any cleaning detergent. Before selecting any cleaning detergent or any liquid cleaner must consider whether your carpet is suitable or not with that cleaner. Because not all cleaner powders are the same for all carpets.

Take some amount of any cleaning detergent or any liquid cleaner and add some amount of water. In this case you will use both cold and warm water. Now after that foam was created. Now simply add your carpet to it and start to clean your carpet gently and after that wash it and leave it for dry.

Hydrogen Peroxide 

Hydrogen peroxide is also a good cleaning agent to remove the pee smell from your carpet. Hydrogen peroxide also contains lots of cleaning agents and it also contains acidic agents which help to clean your carpet.

For this simply take a little amount of hydrogen peroxide put it into the urine part and leave it for 4 to 5 minutes then use any soft brush or any sponge and start to rub it and then wash it using normal water and leave it for dry.

Baking Soda 

Baking soda is one of the most famous home ingredients which is used in all types of works including for cooking, cleaning, and many more and it is also a good cleaning agent which is very helpful to remove the pee smell.

Always keep in mind that don’t mix bleach and baking soda together. I know both are used as a cleaning powder but when you mix both these powders these chemicals create a toxic reaction which is not good.

Take Some amount of baking soda use a little amount of water and directly apply it on the urine-affected area. Then use any scrubber to scrub it gently and after that wash it using normal water.

After drying the carpet I would recommend you use a mattress cleaning vacuum cleaner to vacuum your carpet.

If you are searching for how to get pee smell out of carpet then it is one of the best methods for you. 

Dish Washer Cleaner 

Dishwasher cleaner is not only used to clean the dishwasher and plates but also you can use it for cleaning the urine of any carpet or any clothes. Take 1-2 spoons of dishwasher detergent use a little amount of water apply it and then wash it and leave it to dry. Always keep in mind that, must check the carpet description paper that it if soap or any cleaning detergent is suitable or not.

Dry Clean Method 

This method is a little bit of a time-consuming process. If the urine is a little bit old then I would recommend you hire a professional to clean your carpet. Because the experts are very effectively dry clean your carpet and easily remove the pee smell from your carpet.

Use Any Freshener

If your carpet still smells like dog urine after cleaning then this method is made only for you. What happens is that sometimes you clean the carpet but still it smells pee. In this case, just use a freshener. Fresheners are very effective remove the pee smell.

Use Cleanser 

Basically, the cleanser is also a type of cleaning detergent that helps to clean or remove the pee smell from your carpet. On the other hand, the cleanser also contains lots of biological components that very effectively clean the pee from your carpet.

How Long Does Urine Smell Last In Carpet

How To Get Pee Smell Out Of Carpet

Basically, this question’s answer depends on 2 situations. The first situation is if the urine is fresh and the second reason is if the pee is very old. If the urine is fresh then it smells very strong. After washing the carpet it will easily break down.

On the other hand, If the urine is too old then it will last more than 5 years and it is not good for your health. So I would recommend you that, clean your carpet if feel a pee smell.

Is It Important To Remove The Pee Smell From Your Carpet? 

How To Get Pee Smell Out Of Carpet

Well, its most straightforward answer is yes. It is very important to remove the pee smell from your carpet other it makes an undesired odor issue. On the other hand, the pee smell produces a toxic smell which is not good for your organs.

Also if you don’t clean your carpet, then it will produce ammonia which is not good for your health.


Is dog urine harmful if you don’t clean it?

Answer: Yes, Dog urine is very harmful to your health if you don’t clean it at the right time. Because Urine contains lots of bacteria and viruses which is not good. You can apply the above methods to clean your carpet.

Which natural product is best for cleaning urine from carpets?

Answer: There are lots of products available to use as a natural cleaning agent. But from my personal experience, I would recommend you use white vinegar, baking soda, and bleach to clean your carpet. You can also use alcohol but it is not natural.

Why urine is a little bit hard to remove?

Answer: Basically, urine contains lots of unnecessary water, uric acid, sodium, and other waste components that do not need your body. Uric acid is not flammable and it is very sticky. Because of this reason, it is a little bit hard to remove the urine.


I hope this article is helpful for you. Through this article, I will discuss with you the 8 most effective ways how to get pee smell out of carpetWhich method do you like most comment down so that we know that you enjoyed the article and also share your opinion About this article in the comment sections.

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