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How To Get Tattoo Ink Out Of Carpet

6 Easy Steps On How To Get Tattoo Ink Out Of Carpet?

Basically, inks are made with full of chemicals and they can’t be removed properly if you don’t take instantly steps.

Lots of people are searching about whether can you remove tattoo ink from the carpet. Well, its answer is yes. Now again peoples are thinking that if yes then how to get tattoo ink out of carpet? What was the quick way to remove it?

Wait, wait, wait don’t worry about this because you are now at the place and here we don’t disappoint our readers.

Because of this problem in this blog post, I will share with you the best working methods on how to get tattoo ink out of carpet fast.

Let’s start the guide.

How To Get Tattoo Ink Out Of Carpet

  1. Use A Dry Cloth To Clean The Unnecessary Ink From The Carpet
  2. Dip The Carpet Into The Water
  3. Create A Mixture Of White Vinegar & Milk
  4. Re-Apply The Mixture
  5. Vacuum The Carpet
  6. Clean The Carpet Using Any Cloth Cleaning Detergent

Use A Dry Cloth To Clean The Unnecessary Ink From The Carpet 

When you see that the tattoo ink has fallen into your carpet then your first step is to take a dry cloth and remove unnecessary inks from the carpet so that you will remove all the inks correctly.

On the other hand, you can also use any sponge to soak the extra tattoo inks from the carpet. Simply place the sponge into the tattoo area and leave it for some time so that it will soak properly.

One more thing is that when the ink falls on the carpet you can apply alcohol and place the sponge in it so that will soak more ink.

Dip The Carpet Into The Water 

Now in the next step simply dip the inked carpet into the water so that the ink starts to be removed lightly. I would suggest you use any cleaning detergent to remove it properly.

Keep in mind that, there are lots of cleaning detergents available on the market which one you choose totally depends on you. According to your choice select the best cloth cleaning detergent.

Create A Mixture Of White Vinegar & Milk 

Keep in mind that, there are lots of types of vinegar available for different kinds of use purposes. I would suggest you use white vinegar because it contains lots of cleaning components.

To do this simply take one cup of white vinegar and one cup of milk. Simply mix these two components apply them on the tattoo area and leave them for some time. I would recommend you leave it for a minimum of 15 to 20 minutes for better results.

After that simply use a cloth scrubber and start to scrub that ink area carefully. Keep in mind that, don’t scrub too hard otherwise your carpet may be damaged.

Re-Apply The Mixture 

If the ink is not removed properly then I would suggest you that re-apply this mixture by following the above step and wait for some minutes for drying.

After it is dry simply clean it using a scrubber so that the ink is removed properly from the carpet.

Vacuum The Carpet 

It is one of the most essential steps which is why most users skip it. If you have a vacuum then I would recommend you vacuum the carpet on its inked area. If you don’t have, a vacuum then you can skip this step and follow the next step.

Clean The Carpet Using Any Cloth Cleaning Detergent

After following all the steps in the next step simply take some normal water and mix some cloth cleaning detergent and mix it. Now put the carpet on and wait for 15 to 20 minutes so that the detergent will observed with the carpet.

After that, clean the carpet using normal water and leave it to dry.

It is the process of how to get tattoo ink out of carpet. Hope this guide will help you to remove the ink from your carpet.

There are lots of users who are thinking about whether can you leave clothes in the dryer overnight. Well, its answer is both yes and no. Because if you leave the dry cloth then you may face wrinkle issues on your clothes and I don’t recommend it to you.

Let’s discuss some other methods on how to get tattoo ink out of carpet.

4 Other Methods On How To Get Tattoo Ink Out Of Carpet?

How To Get Tattoo Ink Out Of Carpet

Using Baking Soda: Baking soda is very famous for as a good cleaning detergent. But can you remove the tattoo ink from the carpet using baking soda? Well, its answer is yes. For this take some water and mix some baking soda directly apply it to the ink area and leave it to dry. After that clean it using normal water and leave it to dry. Lots of people are thinking that can you mix can you mix bleach and baking soda to clean it. Well, its answer is no.

Using Alcohol: Alcohol is also a good cleaning detergent and it will help you a lot to remove the tattoo ink from the carpet. For this simply apply the alcohol to the inked area and leave it for some time. After that used a scrubber and started scrubbing that inked area and washed it with normal water.

Nail Polish Remover: Nail polish remover is also the best method to remove the tattoo ink. For this simply apply the nail polish remover to the inked affected area and start scrubbing using any cloth scrubber.

Hair Spray: Most people use hair spray to maintain and stylish their hair. But do you know that, you can also use the hair spray for removing the tattoo ink stains?


Can You Completely Remove Old Tattoo Ink From The Carpet?

Answer- No, you can’t completely remove the old tattoo ink from the carpet at your home. The main reason is tattoo inks are made with strong chemicals and it does not remove completely. But you can give that carpet to the laundry for cleaning. Because dry washing method may remove the old inks, but the chances are very low.

Is it safe to use hydrogen peroxide to remove the tattoo ink from the carpet?

Answer- Well, its answer is yes. It is 100% safe to use hydrogen peroxide to remove the tattoo ink from the carpet. Hydrogen peroxide contains lots of cleaning ingredients which helps you to remove the ink fast.

Which is best alcohol vs hydrogen peroxide to remove tattoo ink from the carpet?

Answer- Both ingredients are best according to their use of purpose. According to my experience, I would suggest you that use hydrogen peroxide. Because it is a little bit better than any alcohol.

Will baking soda completely remove the ink from the carpet by doing only one wash?

Answer- No, baking soda will not completely remove the ink from the carpet by doing only one wash. Because tattoo inks are very hard to remove you will need to do this process multiple times.


Carpets help to enhance our house floors’ beauty and it is also essential for us to clean them from time to time. I would recommend that when you see that tattoo ink has fallen into the carpet take immediate steps so that it will be completely removed.

Otherwise, once the ink has dried on that carpet it makes it a little bit difficult for you to remove it completely. Through this blog post, I will teach you how to get tattoo ink out of carpet using 6 steps. If you have any questions then you can ask us in the comment sections.

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