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Can You Use Fabuloso On Wood Floors

Know The Reality: Can You Use Fabuloso On Wood Floors?

Fabuloso is the most famous house floor cleaning detergent which is very famous in the United States. This detergent will provide you with a deep floor cleaning experience.

When you purchase this detergent for your home, a question always arises in your mind, can you use fabuloso on wood floors? Does it is harmful to your home? Does it have any side effects, etc?

Fabuloso not only cleans your floors but also provides you with smooth and fresh smells. On the other hand, some people also have doubts about whether you can use Fabuloso on tile floors or not.

Through this blog post, I will discuss with you the answer to this question and also discuss with you some pros and cons of this detergent.

Let’s start it.

Can You Use Fabuloso On Wood Floors?

Well, its answer is both yes and no. Because fabuloso contains neutral pH chemicals, which is not good for wood, but you can use it to clean wood surfaces.

On the other hand, it will also depend on which type of wood you want to clean. Basically, sealed woods are suitable for this detergent.

I would recommend you don’t use it too much. Otherwise, the wood will start to be damaged.  

Fabuloso is made with neutral pH, which contains useful elements that help you remove dust and give you a clean floor experience. But it is not suitable for wood floors.

I would recommend that before applying Fabuloso on your wood floor, you clean your floors using any vacuum cleaner or floor cleaner. I am using Swiffer wet jet floor cleaner before applying any cleaning detergent so that unnecessary dusts will be cleaned.

Lots of people are also thinking that can you mix baking soda and bleach powder to clean the surface instead of using Fabuloso. Its answer is no. You can separately use baking soda or bleach to clean the surface.

I don’t recommend you mix it together because it creates a toxic solution that is not suitable for your skin.

Most users are saying that you can use it on your wood floors, but in my case, I don’t recommend it to you because I have already tried it on my wood floor, and I get very bad results; that’s why I don’t recommend it.

Again, one of the most important questions is, can you use Fabuloso on tile floors? Well, you will easily use Fabuloso on tile floors. It does not have any side effects on tile floors.

What To Avoid If You Want to Use Fabuloso On Your Wood Floor?

Can You Use Fabuloso On Wood Floors

It is also essential for you to know what things you avoid before using Fabuloso on your wood floors so that you will protect your floor.

Avoid Hot Water: If you want to clean your wood floors using Fabuloso, then I would recommend you avoid using hot water because hot water is very dangerous for wood and will damage your wood.

Don’t Use Fabuloso In Unsealed Wood: Basically, unsealed woods are not covered with anything. When you directly apply the detergent, the wood will observe it quickly, and chances are high that the wood will start to damage quickly.

Don’t Use The Fabuloso Too Much Time: Fabuloso is a chemical-based liquid detergent that is suitable for tile floors. You can use it in wood, but don’t use it too much time; otherwise, it will start damaging.

How To Clean Your Wood Floor Using Fabuloso?

Can You Use Fabuloso On Wood Floors

If you want to clean your wood floor using the Fabuloso detergent, then it is essential for you to know the right steps.

If you don’t know, then you can follow the below points.

Clean Your Wood Floor Using Any Brush 

In the first step, before applying the detergent, you must swipe up your wood floor. Now, do you think that is why I am asking you to swipe the floors?

Swiping helps to remove unnecessary dust from the floors so that when you apply the cleaning detergent, you will get the best cleaning results.

Mix Fabuloso Into The Water 

After swiping the floor in the next step, simply mix the cleaning detergent with normal water. It depends on your floor and how much amount you will use.

Most people doubt that they can use warm water instead of normal water.

Well, its answer is both yes and no. Because it depends on the type of floor, this means if you are using tile floors or marble floors, then you can easily use warm water.

If you are using wood floors, then I don’t recommend you to use warm water instead of normal water.

Dip A Cloth Into The Mixture And Started Cleaning 

Now, take a clean cloth, dip the cloth into the mixture, and apply it to the floors to clean it. Do it very gently and don’t use too much time.

On the other hand, you will use any sponge instead of the cloth. A sponge is very comfortable to clean it.

Again, Clean The Floor Using Normal Water

After that, in the next step, clean the wood floor using normal water so that all the stains and unnecessary dusts will cleaned.

Leave It For Dry The Floor 

When you apply the normal water in the final step, simply use any fan to dry your floor. Because water is very dangerous for wood floors, it is essential for you to dry your wood surface.


How much time will you use the Fabuloso cleaning detergent?

Answer- Well, it depends on your type of floor. If you have tile floors or marble floors, then you can easily use this detergent more than three times per week. But if you are using wood floors, then I would recommend you use them once a week.

Which type of cleaning detergent is harmful for wood-type floors?

Answer- Vinegar, ammonia, acid. Alkane types of liquids are very dangerous for wood-type floors because these types of detergents are made full of chemicals which is harmful to your wood.

How do you clean the wood floors without any damage and without losing their shine?

Answer- For this, I would recommend you use a vacuum cleaner or mop to clean the wood floors. Vacuum cleaners and mops help you to provide the best cleaning experience, and they will also keep your floor shining.

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Cleaning your floor is very essential for you. Because floors help to increase in front of other people, that’s why choosing the right cleaning product is also very important for you. Fabuloso is one of the best home cleaning products you can choose.

But Fabuloso is not perfectly suitable for wood floors. Through this blog post, I will discuss with you the answer to can you use fabuloso on wood floors or not. If you have any doubts regarding this topic, you can also comment down your doubts.

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