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Can You Use Steam Mops On Vinyl Flooring

Can You Use Steam Mops On Vinyl Flooring? Know The Answer

Whenever you decide to clean your vinyl flooring a question is always suffered in your mind that is can you use steam mops on vinyl flooring?

Basically, vinyl floors are considered luxurious floors so they will need proper maintenance. 

Read this whole article to know the answer to this question.

Can You Use Steam Mops On Vinyl Flooring

Well, its answer is no. I don’t recommend you use any steam mops on vinyl floors. The big reason is, that vinyl floors are not steam resistant. 

On the other hand, steam mops are generate heat which is not good for your vinyl floors, and vinyl floors not able to handle the mop’s heat. 

Basically, vinyl floors are made with plastic material. When you apply mop heat the vinyl floors start to melt because of the high temperature and the vinyl floors’ first layer starts to damage.

I hope you will get your answer about whether can you use steam mops on vinyl flooring or not. 

How To Clean Your Vinyl Floor?

Can You Use Steam Mops On Vinyl Flooring

How To Clean?

There are different types of vinyl floors are available and different vinyl floors need different cleaning methods. The best method to clean your vinyl floors is to consider the cleaning method which is suggested by the manufacturer. 

Below we share with you the method that is suitable for almost all types of vinyl floors. 

  1. Before cleaning your vinyl floors we would recommend you sweep the floor gently. You can also use a vinyl floor vacuum cleaner to remove the unnecessary dust. 
  2. If you don’t want to sweep or vacuum then you can also use a normal dry mop to remove the unnecessary dust.
  3. Now take a bucket and add there some amount of apple side vinegar and some amount of warm water and mix it.
  4. Now simply use a clean cloth and dip into the mixture that you created and apply the mixture to your vinyl floor using the cloth. 
  5. You can also use a vinyl floor cleaner. You will easily get a vinyl floor cleaner on the market. 
  6. After that take a clean cloth and a bucket of normal cold water. 
  7. Now simply dip the clean cloth into the normal water and again start to clean your vinyl floor.
  8. After that leave your floor for drying. You can also turn on the fan for drying. 

This is the right formula for cleaning your vinyl floors and this method is applicable for most of all vinyl floors. 

Dos & Don’ts While Cleaning Your Vinyl Floors 

As I already said, vinyl floors are considered as a luxuries floors so they will need proper maintenance. I noticed lots of people doing lots of bad things on their vinyl floors. 

Below we discuss with you some points that you must avoid. 


  • Avoid Using Too Much Water

Basically, if you use too much water on your vinyl floors then chances are high that its top layer will start to be damaged, and its designs may be damaged. So try to avoid too much water. 

  • Don’t Use Harsh Chemicals

Lots of people use high amounts of chemical products on their vinyl floors which is not good. Harsh chemical products damage your vinyl floor surface and also its designs. 

  • Don’t Use Any Scrubbers

If you use any scrubber to clean your vinyl floor then immediately avoid it. Because scrubbers can cause scratches issue in your floor. 

  • Do Not Pull Heavy Weight Products

When you move heavy-weight products such as furniture, dining tables, refrigerators, and washing machines on your floors chances are high that, it will cause scratches issues and can damage your floor. So that avoid this mistake.

  • Don’t Use Beater Bar Vacuum Cleaners

Basically, beater bar vacuum cleaners are rotated very fast as compared to any normal vacuum cleaners. Because of its rotating speeds, it will damage your vinyl surface. Avoid this mistake. 

  • Don’t Apply Any Chemicals Directly

Basically, vinyl floor manufacturers already mention all the instructions in their descriptions. So before applying any product on your vinyl floor must read its description. 


  • Sweep Your Floor On Daily Basis

Sweeping is one of the most important parts if you want to make your vinyl floor neat and clean. I would recommend you sweep your vinyl floor on a regular basis for best results. If you want then you can also seep two times a day. 

  • Use A Doormat

Basically, a doormat is a type of mat which is acts like sandpaper. It means the doormat helps to clean the unnecessary sands from your floor. 

  • Use A Floor Cleaner To Clean

Basically, a floor cleaner helps to clean your floor very effectively. According to your vinyl floor’s criteria choose the best floor cleaner. Fabuloso is also a good floor cleaner but before applying any floor cleaner must consider your vinyl floor manufacturer instructions. 

  • Use Pollywood Path To Moving Heavy Products:

If you want to move any large products such as furniture, tables, sofas, and refrigerators then I would recommend you to use a Pollywood Path which easily moves the large product without causing any scratches. 

  • Use Cold Water To Clean

Vinyl floors cannot handle hot water. If you use hot water, then chances are high that your floor design may be damaged. Because of this reason always use normal or cold water while cleaning your vinyl floor.

Can You Use A Vacuum Cleaner On Your Vinyl Plank Floors?

Can You Use Steam Mops On Vinyl Flooring

Yes, of course. You will easily use vacuum cleaners to clean your vinyl floor. Even there are also some specific vacuum cleaners available on the market that are specially made for vacuuming vinyl floors. 

Vinyl floor vacuum cleaners are very effective clean your floor without causing any damage or scratches. Now again one of the most important questions is, how often you will vacuum your vinyl floor?

Well, you will use the vacuum cleaner to clean your vinyl floor on a daily basis. Because daily using the vacuum cleaner will make your vinyl floor new and clean always. If you can then you can also use the vacuum cleaner two times a day. 

Can You Use Vinegar To Clean Your Vinyl Floor?

Yes, of course. You will use vinegar to clean your vinyl floors. Vinegar acts like a good floor cleaning detergent and it will very effectively clean your floors. I would recommend you use white vinegar or apple-side vinegar to clean your vinyl floor. 

Always keep in mind that don’t use too much vinegar and on the other hand, before applying any vinegar must consider the manufacturer’s instructions because it is very important. You can apply the vinegar twice a week for best results. 

Can You Use A Steam Mop On Waterproof Vinyl Plank Flooring?

No, You can’t use a steam mop on waterproof vinyl plank floors. The main reason is, vinyl plank floors are not heat resistant, and steam mops generate heat so that it is not advisable to use a steam mop on waterproof vinyl plank floors. 

If you use a steam mop on waterproof vinyl plank floors then chances are high that, the upper layer of the floor may be damaged. 

For What Floors Do You Use Steam Mops To Clean?

Can You Use Steam Mops On Vinyl Flooring

Lots of people want to know if you don’t use the steam mops on vinyl floors then for what floors you will use the steam mops? Below we discuss with you some floors where you will use the steam mops. 

  • Laminated Floors

Basically, laminated floors are made with melamine resin materials and these materials easily handle heat, so you will easily use steam mops on laminated floors. 

  • Tile Floors

Tile floors are water resistant and it is also handle a little bit of heat. So that tile floors can easily handle steam mops. 

  • Ceramic Floor

Basically, ceramic floors are made with a combination of water, sand, and clay and these are water resistant you will easily use steam mops to clean ceramic floors. 

  • Marble Floors

Marble is one of the most commonly used floors which most homeowners use. Marbles are made with a recrystallization process and marbles provide you with glass finish effects. You will use steam mops on marbles.

  • Porcelain Tile

Porcelain tile is a type of ceramic tile and it is made with high firing temperature so that it is able to handle heat. Because of this reason, you will easily use steam mops on porcelain tile. 

How Often You Will Clean Your Vinyl Plank Floors?

It totally depends on you, how much time you will clean your floors. You can daily sweep your vinyl floors or you can daily use a vacuum cleaner to clean your floor. 

The best time to clean your vinyl floor is, to use any cleaning detergent or any floor cleaner twice a week for best results.

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Maintaining the vinyl floors is not a very big task as you think. In this article, I will answer your question about whether can you use steam mops on vinyl flooring or not. Before applying any product on your vinyl floors must read the manufacturer’s instructions so that you will not face any damage on your floor. 

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