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Washing Machine Stuck On Wash Cycle

Washing Machine Stuck On Wash Cycle? Try These 10 Methods

Basically stuck issue depends on several reasons such as overload, water issues, electric issues, and many more. When I newly using the washing machine in 2014 I also faced that issue.

After 6 months suddenly that washing machine stuck on wash cycle and at that time I was totally shocked and immediately contacted their customer support.

But it is a very common issue and you will easily fix this issue at your home yourself.

In this article, I do not discuss with you exactly why the washing machine stuck on wash cycle but also 10 methods on how you will fix this issue.

Let’s start it.

How To Fix Washing Machine Stuck On Wash Cycle

  1. Clean Your Washing Machine Filter
  2. Reset Your Washing Machine
  3. Avoid Using Third-party Detergent
  4. Check The Water Is Properly Supplied Or Not
  5. Remove The Object From The Washing Machine
  6. Clean The Machine Sensor
  7. Fix The Error Code Of Your Washing Machine
  8. Change The Machine Cable
  9. Fix Your Draining Pump
  10. Clean Your Machine Time To Time

Reset Your Washing Machine 

Resetting your washing machine is one of the most effective tricks to fixing the washing machine stuck on wash cycle issue.

Sometimes there are some technical issues are created in the washing machine such as glitches, error codes, etc. Resetting your washing machine is the best way to fix this issue.

But always keep in mind that, when you reset your washing machine all of your custom settings will be deleted and you need to re-arrange the programs according yourself.

Avoid Using Third-party Detergent

As you know detergent will play a very important role while cleaning your clothes. Cheap quality detergents create lots of foam which is not suitable for your washing machine that’s why you will face the draining issue of your machine.

To fix this issue I would strongly recommend you avoid using the local and cheap detergent. If you need urgently to wash your clothes and at that time you don’t have any detergent then you can use it once. But don’t use these types of detergent regularly.

Check The Water Is Properly Supplied Or Not 

Washing machines need proper water to drain and rotate their drum to clean your clothes. If you are facing a stuck issue on your machine then must check whether your machine will get proper water or not.

If it is not getting the proper amount of water then check your water pipe line which is connected with your washing machine. If there is any issue with your water pipeline, then hire a plumber to repair it.

Remove The Object From The Washing Machine

Sometimes there will be objects or garbage are stored in the washing machine so that the machine drum does not rotate properly. Because of this problem, you will face a stuck issue in your machine.

To fix this issue, simply open the front cover of your washing machine and identify where the object is stored. Simply remove the object and start your washing machine again.

Clean The Machine Sensor 

After using the washing machine for some months sometimes your sensor will not be able to detect the water level of your washing machine so this problem is happening to you.

On the other hand, if the sensor is dirty then it will also not able to detect the water level. To fix this issue, simply clean the sensor. On the other hand, if the sensor is damaged or broke then immediately replace the sensor by contacting their customer care employees.

Fix The Error Code Of Your Washing Machine 

Different brands of washing machines show different kinds of error codes. It means your washing machine has some errors and you have to fix to immediately.

For example in LG washing machine, there is a error code was shows E001 . It means the washing machine has an issue with their water supply. This error code shows that your machine needs to be repaired.

If you are facing the washing machine stuck on wash cycle problem, then must check the error codes. If there are any error codes was showing then immediately fix it.

Change The Machine Cable 

Sometimes, you will face the wash cycle stuck issue in your washing machine due to the damage or broken cable.

Basically the cable supply the electricity to the washing machine so that it will work. If the cable is damaged or broken then it will not be able to provide the electricity properly so you will face this issue.

To solving this issue simply identify in which part the cable was damaged. Simply repair the damage cable part or you can also change the cable.

Fix Your Draining Pump 

Basically draining pump is a type of pump which is provide the water to your washing machine so that it will worked finely. If there is any breakage or any damage occurs then it will start stuck while cycling.

Must identify that the draining pump is worked properly. If the draining pump is destroyed or damaged then immediately repair it quietly.

If you don’t know how to repair it, then you can call their customer service for more details.

Clean Your Machine Time To Time 

It is one of the most essential steps which you should not be ignored. If you don’t clean your machine time then chances are high that extra detergents will be stored in it and you will face the stuck issue in your washing machine while it cycling.

Take a clean cloth dip it into the water and start cleaning the washing machine gently. I would recommend you to do this process once a week for better results.

Why Is Your Washing Machine Stuck On Wash Cycle?

Washing Machine Stuck On Wash Cycle

Before fixing your issue it is very important for you to know exactly why this problem occurred with you. Mainly there are 2 reasons are depend for this problem. The first one is if your filter is dirty or damaged or the other one is If you overload your cloth in your washing machine.

On the other hand, there are several reasons that are dependent on this problem such as wrong washing machine setting, low water level issues, unstable power problems, and many more. Also one of the most common reasons is its dirty or faulty sensor. These are some reasons why you will face the washing machine stuck on wash cycle.

Washing Machine Maintenance Tips For Beginners?

Washing Machine Stuck On Wash Cycle

There are lots of new homeowners who have purchased their washing machines and they make lots of mistakes. Below we share with you 5 points that will help you to maintain your washing machine.

  1. Don’t put over clothes in the washing machine, Otherwise, you will face a stuck cycle issue in it.
  2. Don’t add too much detergent to your washing machine. When you use too much detergent it will start making too much foam which is not good for your machine.
  3. Clean its filter from time to time. I would recommend you clean its filter once a week.
  4. Also, clean its water pipeline from time to time. Because after some time its pipeline gets junk issues.
  5. Don’t suddenly close the front gate of your washing machine after using it. I would recommend you to keep open it for some time.


Is the stuck cycle issue normal for your washing machine?

Answer- Yes it is a fully common issue for all washing machines. If you facing a stuck cycle issue on your washing machine, then it will prove that you don’t take care of your machine correctly. By applying the above 10 methods you will easily fix it.

Do all washing machines need monthly maintenance?

Answer- Well, its answer is both yes and no. It depends on how you will take care of your washing machine. If you clean your machine from time to time and clean its filter from time to time then your washing machine doesn’t need monthly maintenance. If you don’t do it timely then your machine needs monthly maintenance.

What to look for before purchasing any washing machine?

Answer- If you are newly purchasing your first washing machine, then I would recommend you to check how much amount the machine consumes the electricity, what’s the price range, what features will you get, what’s the rating, etc.

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If you are thinking too much about it then calm down because it is a fully common issue and it will be easily solved by applying these 10 methods. If you still facing this issue I would recommend you contact their customer care support.

Through this blog post, I will share with you the 10 best methods on how to fix a washing machine stuck on wash cycle issue yourself. If you have any doubt then you can ask us in the comment sections.

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