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Why Do My Dishes Smell Like Wet Dog

Why Do My Dishes Smell Like Wet Dog & How I Fix It?

Suddenly my dishes smell like wet dogs. At that time, I wondered why do my dishes smell like wet dog even though I don’t have any dogs or any pets in my house.

This case happened to me in I think July 2018 when I was living in California. Seriously at that time, I was very frustrated due to this problem.

After asking some people and doing a little bit of research I know, exactly why do my dishes smell like wet dog and how I fix this issue.

If you are also facing this issue, then this article will help you to solve your problem. Let’s start it.

Why Do My Dishes Smell Like Wet Dog

After doing a little bit of research finally I knew that because of the hard water that’s why I was facing the wet dog issue even at that time I didn’t have a dog or any pet.

This problem also depends on several factors including low maintenance, wrong product, poor humidity, and many more.

Below we discuss with you some reasons that’s why you will face wet dog smell issues in your dishes.

Due To Poor Draining Process 

Lots of people are confused about exactly what is draining in dishwashers. Draining means removing the wastewater from the dishwasher. If you are facing a poor draining problem you will face a wet dog smell issue.

Doe To Poor Humidity

Sometimes when you wash your dish plates some amount of water stays in your plates. After some time it will start wet dog smell. This is called poor humidity.

I noticed that many new housewives are making this mistake and they think that this issue is happening to them because of any dog.

Due To Hard Water 

Basically, water contains lots of minerals and sometimes those minerals react with each other and after that, they will be converted into hard water. When you wash your dishwasher using this hard water your dishwasher starts to smell wet dog.

Due To Dirty Filter 

Basically, the filter helps to filtrate your dishwasher for a better cleaning experience and it is the most common issue that’s why you will face the wet dog smell issue. If you don’t clean your dishwasher filter from time to time, then obstacles and unnecessary food parts are collected in it and after some time it will start to smell dog-wet.

Due To Dirty Parts 

Lots of dishwashers come with automatic cleaning features. It means these dishwashers clean themselves automatically. But some dishwashers do not provide you with this feature so you will need to clean your dishwasher manually.

If you don’t clean your dishwasher parts from time to time, then it will store unnecessary food parts and after some time it will start to smell bad or wet dog. It is also a very common reason for this issue.

Due To a Plumbing Issue 

A plumbing issue is another reason why you will face wet dog issues in your dishwasher. Basically, all waste water and all waste food parts are going through your pipe and sometimes the waste food particles are stocked in the pipe. Because of this reason, your dishwasher started to be smelling wet dog issues.

Due To Poor Dishwasher Care

A dishwasher is a home appliance that needs proper maintenance and proper care. If you don’t take care of dishwashers then it will start to smell very bad.

How I Fix Wet Dog Issue In My Dishwasher?

Why Do My Dishes Smell Like Wet Dog

As I said I didn’t have any pets at that time but still I am facing the wet dog issue in the dishwasher. At that time I had never used a dishwasher so I thought that why do my dishes smell like wet dog.

I told my problem to my mother and my mother suggested that to clean that filter. I follow my mother’s advice and I clean my dishwasher filter using the dishwasher cleaner. Seriously I am totally shocked after cleaning my dishwasher filter. Because my problem was totally solved.

In the above section, I will discuss with you exactly why do my dishes smell like wet dog and I also discuss with you exactly how I fix it.

Now let’s discuss some most common reasons why your dishwasher smells wet dog.

How To Solve Wet Dog Issue From Your Dishwasher? 

Why Do My Dishes Smell Like Wet Dog

How To Solve?

Leave Your Dishwasher Door Open For Sometime 

Sometimes everything is alright but still, you are facing the wet dog smell issue then to prevent this issue, I would recommend you to keep open your dishwasher door for some time so that, the bad smell will be removed. You need to do it multiple times a day for the best results.

Clean Your Dishwasher Using Any Soap Or Any Liquid Cleaner

As I already said, sometimes your dishwasher contains some waste food and waste water and it needs to be cleaned. For cleaning your dishwasher, you can use any soap any foam, or any liquid detergent cleaner to clean. Always keep in mind that, gently clean your dishwasher, and after cleaning simply use any clean dry cloth to dry it.

Wash The Filter 

Filter plays a very important role in a dishwasher. You also need to clean the dishwasher to fix the wet dog issue. While cleaning the dishwasher clean it gently because these are very sensitive parts and chances are high that, if you roughly clean it maybe it will be broken.

Clean Your Plumber Line 

A plumber is the part where the water is supplied into your dishwasher. When something is stored in your pipeline such as any metal, some waste foods, plastics, etc then you need to immediately clean it.

Clean Interior Parts Of Your Dishwasher 

Interior parts are those parts that are installed under your dishwasher that are not visible to you. As I already said dishwashers need proper maintenance and care. While separating the interior parts do it very carefully.

You can check out this video tutorial on how to clean a dishwasher perfectly.

Run A Cleaning Cycle 

It is one of my favorite methods which I personally use. You can use any dishwasher cleaner, In my case I used white vinegar. Because white vinegar works very effectively for me. For this simply use some amount of white vinegar and there mix a little amount of warm water and mix it.

Now place that mixture under your dishwasher give it high heat and leave it for some time. This method is very effective in solving the wet dog smell issue.

Clean The Garbage Disposal 

If you have tried all the above methods but still are facing the wet dog smell issue, then this solution will definitely fix your issue. Keep in mind that, garbage disposal is connected with the same plumbing system where your dishwasher is connected. I would recommend you that change that cleaning foaming tablet instead of cleaning it.

How To Clean Your Dishwasher Step-By-Step Guide

Why Do My Dishes Smell Like Wet Dog

How To Clean?

At The Beginning time, I also made mistakes while cleaning the dishwasher and I don’t want you also make this mistake with your dishwasher.

Below we discuss with you the right method on how to clean your dishwasher perfectly.

Step 1 

First of all, use a small-sized brush and start to remove the waste food parts that are stored in your dishwasher. It is the first step that you must do before cleaning your dishwasher.

Step 2

Now Remove some interior parts from your dishwasher and separately clean them using any detergent or any liquid detergent. If you don’t have any cleaning detergent then you can use white vinegar to clean them.

Step 3

After cleaning the dishwasher interior parts now it’s time to clean your filter. Use a clean and dry cloth to clean it. On the other hand, you can also use a dishwasher polisher to clean the filter.

Step 4

In step 4 simply re-attach all the parts which you clean separately. Keep in mind that, re-attach all the parts gently.

Step 5 

In the final step simply use a dishwasher polisher and start to clean its outer parts and then wipe up using a normal and clean dry cloth.

These are the right steps on exactly how to clean a dishwasher properly. This method I personally follow. But now the biggest question is, how often should you clean your dishwasher?

How Often Should You Clean Your Dishwasher? 

Basically, it depends on how often you clean your dishwasher. On the other hand, it also depends on your usage. If you use your dishwasher 2 to 3 times a day then you need to wash it on a daily basis.

According to my experience and my expertise, I would recommend you to clean your dishwasher 2 times a week even I also cleaned my dishwasher 2 times a week. On the other hand, I would recommend you that, clean your dishwasher filter every month.

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In this article, I will not only share my personal experience on why do my dishes smell like wet dog but also how I fix this issue. On the other hand, I also discuss with you some most common reasons why you will also face this issue and how you can solve this issue. If you have any problem or any doubt regarding this article you can comment down.

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